Change of Plans

The combination of a huge snow storm and feeling less than 100% has convinced me to scrap the Beer Bottle Open race in Columbus Grove tomorrow. I had always wanted to do this race as it's part of the Ohio Grand Prix Series and because there are so few 4 mile races around these days, but Columbus Grove is a 2.5 hour drive and with this weather and not being totally fit, better to play it safe. My right hip and quad is pretty much pain free this week. I tested it out by doing my first hard workout in a while on Tuesday and that went ok. I've been doing a lot of stretches and leg lifts, which seem to be strengthening the hip. I used to totally ignore supplemental work like that, but not any more. Current plan is to run the Meteor 10K in Michigan on April 2 (3 weeks away) and hopefully I'll be able to get in a few quality interval workouts and some longer runs before then.

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